Learn about your teammates, their passions, their families, and MORE!
Position: New Restaurant Trainer
Employed 12/18/18
Are you originally from the Findlay, OH area? If not, how did you come to live in Findlay?
I was born and raised in Findlay.
Why did you want to join the New Joint Opening Training Team?
My trainer is the reason I wanted to be a trainer. She impressed me with her inner knowledge of the company and the fact that it showed she'd loved what she did.
What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
I love seeing the light bulb go off above a trainees head when they get an aspect of their job down that they had been struggling with.
What three words would you use to describe City Barbeque?
Fun… Exciting... Rewarding...
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Motivated... outgoing… personable.
If you could switch jobs with anyone else in the company, whose job would you want and why?
Aletha Dawson…because she gets to see and do all the different things related to training.
Do you have any hobbies or belong to any groups outside of work?
My hobby is collecting mini liquor bottles...I have over 600 and they are all different.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I would like to learn to draw or paint.
Do you have a favorite family tradition or one that you want to start?
My family would say something they were thankful for just before eating Thanksgiving dinner…that was always Mom's rule.
What is the most important thing you have learned in life?
I learned early in life that failure was not an option.
Do you have any tips for others on how to deal with the stressful situations facing the world right now, including COVID-19?
Just remember to breathe.